Cornea surgery in bangalore | Manjunatha Nethralaya




The diseases affecting the externally visible part of the eyeball come under this section. They affect majorly the Cornea (clear transparent layer the cover the center part of the eye) iris, (the pigmented or colored radiating structure), the lens, Sclera – the white part, conjunctiva – a thin layer covering the sclera and most importantly the eyelids.

Several disease conditions affect these structure causing pain, teary eyes, redness with profuse discharge. This may many times also cause blurred vision and some time complete temporary blindness

One good thing about these conditions are they are external in nature and hence easy to observe by patients themselves or their near ones. Some conditions are very painful and hence approach doctors immediately.

These conditions are easily manageable and like any other conditions, early identification will always have good outcome.

An open sore on the cornea is in simple words called corneal ulcer. Ulcer is a tissue damage that may be temporary or permanent. The cause for such ulcers are infection, physical or chemical injury, drying of cornea due to long exposure to air, and can also be due to over use of contact lenses. If not taken care, it may lead to loss of vision and hence blindness.

Thinning of the cornea creates a bulge due to the internal pressure of the eye. This condition is called Keratoconus and this may lead to blurry vision, refractive errors and including double vision.

What Cause Keratoconus?

Research suggests the weakening of the corneal tissue that leads to keratoconus may be due to an imbalance in teens or early twenties. of enzymes within the cornea. This imbalance makes the cornea more susceptible to oxidation from compounds called free radicals, which causes it to weaken and bulge forward. Risk factors for oxidative damage and weakening of the cornea include a genetic predisposition.

Signs and Symptoms of Kertaoconus.

As the cornea becomes more irregular in shape, it causes a progressive increase in nearsightedness and irregular astigmatism, creating problems with distorted and blurred vision. Other symptoms include glare and light sensitivity and frequent eyeglass prescription changes.

Keratoconus Treatment

In very early and mild Keratoconus, vision with eyeglasses or soft contact lenses may remain acceptable. But as the disease progresses and the cornea thins and becomes increasingly more irregular in shape, glasses or soft contacts no longer provide adequate vision correction.

Treatment for moderate and advanced Keratoconus.

  • Treatments for moderate and advanced Keratoconus.
  • Gas Permeable Contact Lenses
  • "Piggy back" Contact Lenses
  • Mini sclearal or scleral lenses (BSLPD)
  • Hybrid Contact Lenses
  • Intacs
  • CXL/C3R

Corneal Transplant

The last remedy is a cornea transplant. The best option for this is a Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (DALK) which preserves the very inner layer of the cornea leading to a more successful outcome. If this transplant option is not able to be done then a penetrating keratoplasty (complete thickness transplant/ PK)is completed. Even after a successful transplant some patients will still require glasses or contact lenses to improve their vision.

Pterygium is a extra growth of membrane on the eye and slowly growing towards the centre of the cornea. It is very difficult to miss this condition as it is very obviously seen with naked eye.

The outer layer of the cornea looses its function to cause corneal swelling and that results in clouding of the vision. This condition may not be identified by looking into that but with its symptoms of dryness, image clouding and irritation of the eye.

The normal function of the eye will be disturbed because of the physical nature of the eye ball size or the refractive nature of the cornea and lense.

There are different types of refractive errors:

  • Myopia

  • Astigmatism

  • Hypermetropia

  • Presbyopia

Methods of Correction refractive Errors:

  • Glasses

  • Contact Lenses

  • Corneal Laser Procedures

  • Presbyopia

  • LASIK (Manual /Femto)



  • Refractive Lens procedures


Also called allergic conjunctivitis or ocular allergy, eye allergy occurs when something you are allergic to irritates the conjunctiva.

Some of the below mentioned procedures are used to treat the Corneal Pathology to get back the vision.

  • PK - Penetrating keratoplasty

  • ALK - Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty

  • DALK- Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty

  • DSEK- Descemet Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty

  • DMEK - Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty

Our cutting-edge neuro-ophthalmology treatments offer a new perspective on vision health. From diagnosing complex eye conditions to providing personalized solutions, our experts are here to restore your sight and enhance your quality of life. Don't let vision challenges hold you back—trust in our expertise to help you see the world with renewed clarity!

Don't let ocular trauma dim your vision. Our cutting-edge treatment options are here to restore your sight and bring back the beauty of the world. Trust our experienced specialists to provide compassionate care and innovative solutions. Take the first step towards a brighter future for your eyes.